Synergistic Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Manual Lymphatic Drainage in Patients with Mastectomy-Related Lymphedema

Kyung-Jin Ha, Sang-Yeol Lee, Hojun Lee and Seung-Jun Choi. Front. Physiol., 28 November 2017

Access the full article – Synergistic Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Manual Lymphatic Drainage in Patients with Mastectomy-Related Lymphedema

Main findings

  • The study investigated whether if the combined treatment of PNF and MLD would improve lymphedema-related complications and to study a possible physiological mechanism involved in the observed effects.
  • Small sample size.
  • There was no information provided about the subject’s grade of lymphoedema.
  • There was a reduction in volume in both groups. MLD/PNF treatment showed a greater reduction in lymphedema symptoms over 16 weeks.
  • Axillary blood circulation velocity is increased by PNF treatment in the affected extremity, but not by MLD treatment.
  • The ROM in shoulder joint flexion was increased gradually in PNF + MLD and PNF group while no change was observed over the treatment period in MLD group.
  • The results suggest that combined treatment is the most effective in reducing lymphedema-induced pain.