Breast Cancer Awareness Month Resources

Education options for lymphoedema practitioners come in various forms. They encompass activities such as engaging in discussions with colleagues or mentors over the phone, participating in webinars focused on specific subjects, attending in-person workshops to acquire fresh expertise, or even staying updated through the latest information in newsletters. What truly matters, regardless of the educational method chosen, is not merely absorbing facts or mastering techniques, but rather how we apply this knowledge to bring about positive changes for the patients under our care. The essence lies in taking the insights gained from education and integrating them into our clinical decision-making process.

Breast Cancer Network Australia

During October BCNA shines a light on optimal breast cancer care.Those diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia, deserve to receive the best care, irrespective of who they are, where they live, or your stage of diagnosis.

They should have access to a healthcare system that works well for them and their treating team. Care should be patient-centered, integrated, timely and multidisciplinary. It should include both specialist and supportive care before, during, and after treatment, and each person should be informed of any suitable clinical trials.

Download the Guide to best breast cancer care

  • This will help you understand the optimal cancer care that should be provided at each step of the cancer care.
  • It also provides information to help your client and their carers communicate with health professionals.

Download the Optimal care pathway for people with breast cancer

  • This is designed to assist health professionals to provide optimal care and support to their clients, and their family and carers.
  • Your clients can also use this to guide discussions with their healthcare team and to help them make informed decisions about what’s right for them.

National Breast Cancer Foundation


During breast cancer awareness month it is an important time for NBCF to highlight why research in this area is so crucial. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with 9 people losing their lives to the disease every day.

Click on the button below to learn more about:

  • About breast cancer
  • Breast cancer stats
  • Detection and awareness
  • Prevention and risk
  • Diagnosis – stages and types
  • Treatment

Cancer Australia

Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). Survival rates continue to improve in Australia with 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis.

Take the time this month to find out what you need to know about breast awareness and share this important information with your family, friends and colleagues.

Learn more about:

  • Early detection
  • Risk factors
  • Breast awareness
  • How can you reduce your chances of getting breast cancer?
  • Breast cancer resources