“Strive for progress not perfection.”

– Anonymous

Lymphoedema health professionals may encounter challenges in aligning patient expectations with treatment outcomes while simultaneously encouraging clients to remain committed. A phrase frequently employed is that the management of lymphedema is an ongoing journey. It’s a work in progress.  Incremental strides towards positive outcomes hold significance. In certain instances, the objective might involve preventing the deterioration of oedema, which can be considered a noteworthy achievement.

The path frequently meanders or might unexpectedly reach an impasse. During such instances, lymphoedema professionals must contemplate the availability of alternative treatment approaches or products tailored to the individual. Often, we settle into a comfort zone with specific products, potentially missing out on superior alternatives. This underscores the importance of remaining current with available options and seizing educational chances, including those offered by companies. Even gaining a single new insight can be considered a triumph.