What to expect next when newly diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer

This valuable new animation has been developed by Head and Neck Cancer Australia (HANCA) for people newly diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer.

When someone is diagnosed with a type of Head and Neck Cancer, they often have never heard of the disease. It is a stressful time and absorbing information from a clinician can be difficult, especially when faced with new terms such as ‘multidisciplinary teams’ which are so important to Head and Neck Cancer.
HANCA worked alongside current and former patients and carers to inform the content and have created a warm and informative animation for patients, carers, friends and family.

The animation provides information from diagnosis to treatment to specifics like HPV related cancer and the use of immobilisation masks in radiation therapy, as well as more general topics such as emotional wellbeing and finding support, and ultimately informs people affected by Head and Neck Cancer of the reliable information.

CEO Nadia Rosin, said, “We are very grateful to the Federal Government for listening to our community and acknowledging the changing face of HNC and the unmet needs of people affected by HNC.

“This resource is vital for people commencing their Head and Neck Cancer journey who often have no knowledge of the disease and are taken aback by its sinister ability to affect the very essence of their identity including how they speak, eat, swallow and breath and for some people how they look,”